Farm Eggs vs Store Bought Eggs

Yes, you can taste the difference between farm fresh eggs and store bought eggs.
We’re asked all the time whether we can tell the difference between the eggs from our chickens and those bought at the grocery store. They come from chickens, how different can they be? Oh… there’s a difference.
Since building our coop and starting to raise chickens two years ago, we’ve rarely had store bought eggs in the house. The only time we found ourselves shopping for them at the store was the first winter when our girls went began to molt and egg production stopped. We had not anticipated to go egg-less for a couple of months, broke down and went to our local Kroger. Soon after cracking the first store bought eggs we decided that we just did not enjoy them. We came up with a plan to prevent egg-less periods the next winter.

Easter Egg-speriment reveals the difference.
This weekend I went to the store to pick up a dozen eggs to add to the 28 farm fresh eggs collected for an Easter Egg experiment. During the dying process I decided to peel and egg from the store and one that had come from one of our Rhode Island Red or Barred Rock hens. Think you can guess which egg came from which chicken? Look at the bright yellow yoke from our farm fresh egg! We used no filter on this picture.

How to egg-speriment for yourself.
Visit your nearest farm market if you don’t have chickens of your own, find a local homestead that sells eggs, pick up some from the store and try this experiment for yourself. I guarantee you’ll tell the difference, not just by sight but by taste.