Unearthing Farm Artifacts in the Garden

An evening planting digs up questions and farm artifacts. This evening over an hour was spent digging two holes to place a couple of melon plants. Breaking ground was easy. It was when the earth was turned over that remnants, artifacts of moments long forgotten where discovered buried several inches to a foot deep into…

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Cherry! Cherry! Cherry! Kind of a jackpot!

Today was a big day for us and our orchard! While out for a walk on the property, Amy strolled into the orchard. We planted our trees a year ago and actually harvested about a half dozen small apples from one of the apple trees. Last year’s apples were a big surprise because we figured…

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Our Thanksgiving Menu

Thanksgiving menu items An update to our “Inspired to Try, Homegrown Thanksgiving Challenge”. The Thanksgiving menu is ready to share, think we can pull it off? We’ve got our starters, main course items, and desserts. The menu items consist of food we are currently growing so we can prepare to save them for November- and…

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Homestead Eggs in a Basket Recipe

Homestead Eggs in a Basket Breakfast

Special Occasion or Impressively Easy Breakfast Recipe A buttery slice of bread on a pan with a perfect circle cut out in the center and a freshly cracked egg dropped into the circle. Season with a little salt and pepper- maybe some jam. Special occasion breakfast or an impressively easy breakfast, it’s perfect for those…

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Introducing New Chickens to Your Flock

Sometimes “Soon” is “Too Soon” We’ve heard a lot of advice about when to introduce new chickens to your flock. Until now, we’d had great success. Typically, we’re told, you want the new chickens to be about 3 months old before adding them to your flock. A group of Barred Rock and Silver Laced Wyandottes…

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Thanksgiving turkey, Raise or Hunt?

Homegrown Thanksgiving challenge update, Turkey edition “What if our Thanksgiving dinner included only the things that we provided for ourselves?” That question triggered the first Inspired to Try challenge, now we had a big decision to make. The turkey is usually the star of the show so do we hunt a turkey or raise a…

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Meet Amy + Chris

Our Homestead Adventures | About Us

We are Amy and Chris, parents of 4 children, learning by living, taking a homestead adventure that many of our friends and family think is crazy… even if they secretly envy us. We do not shy away from adventure & trying new things but even this is not what we would have imagined just a…

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When Life Gives You Ice, You Fish

when life gives you ice main pic

It’s not often that it gets this cold in Kentucky… but boy was this winter frigid. The gentleman who used to own the farm told us that they had not had ice on the pond like this since the late 1970’s. So when Chris noticed the ice was getting pretty thick, he unpacked the ice…

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When a Chicken Passes

Our Homestead Adventures

When Chickens Expire, What Do You Do? Our neighbor wanted to retire from chickens and gave us our starting flock. He gave us a few black Australorps, a couple Buff Orpingtons, & a few Rhode Island Reds. Within that flock was a favorite hen, her name, Stevie, a stand-out Rhode Island Red. She had moves…

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Our Orchard, A Memorial to A Great Man

The Orchard

Instead of just a tree, why not plant an orchard? When we moved into our home, it was shortly after Chris’ dad had passed. Family and friends wanted to give us something that would remind us of him. Maybe a flower bush or special tree? After some thought, we decided to pool our gifts into building a…

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