Our Thanksgiving Menu
Thanksgiving menu items
An update to our “Inspired to Try, Homegrown Thanksgiving Challenge”.
The Thanksgiving menu is ready to share, think we can pull it off? We’ve got our starters, main course items, and desserts. The menu items consist of food we are currently growing so we can prepare to save them for November- and foods that can be grown in cooler weather to lead us into our Thanksgiving feast. We’re raising a pair of turkeys so, fingers crossed, the main course should be as difficult as keeping our birds alive and fattening them up.
We had a blast and were pretty fortunate with our pumpkin harvest last year, those pies shouldn’t be a problem. Strawberries are starting to come in now and the rhubarb is growing. One of our young apple trees gave about a half dozen pieces of fruit last year. If we can get the same crop this year we’ll have just enough for a small pie. The persimmons, well that’s a really unique treat we’ll tell you about at another time. Those trees have been growing on the property for generations and the fruit, while difficult to time, can be fantastic.
We may have over-planned our menu, but if some of it doesn’t work out, hopefully we will at least have enough to set the table for our family and dinner guests. Will we eat? Will our investment in hard work save a few bucks? It will truly be a learning by living experience.

Our Thanksgiving Menu: Here’s what we’re working to cook up for Turkey Day
Learn more about Amy and Chris, parents of 4 children, “learning by living” on an adventure their family and friends think is crazy, even if they secretly envy them.